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  • Géocaching


    Proposé par ESI Métabief

    à partir de 7

    Embark on an exciting adventure this summer with ESI Métabief and discover Geocaching: an activity that combines exploration, puzzles,...

    Join us at ESI Métabief for an unforgettable Geocaching experience in the heart of the mountains. Equipped with a GPS and clues, set out to find hidden caches in spectacular and often lesser-known locations in the Métabief region. Whether you're with family, friends, or a group, this engaging and stimulating activity will captivate you.

    Our experienced guides at ESI Métabief will accompany you throughout this thrilling adventure. They will help you decode puzzles, interpret GPS coordinates, and overcome challenges along the way. Take the opportunity to explore the magnificent landscapes of the Jura Mountains and discover hidden treasures waiting to be found.

    Geocaching is an activity suitable for all levels. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, our guides will adapt to your skills and preferences. It's a perfect opportunity to strengthen teamwork, develop navigation skills, and enjoy moments of fun and discovery in the great outdoors.

    Join ESI Métabief this summer for an unforgettable Geocaching experience. Get ready to explore, solve puzzles, and create lasting memories as you embark on this modern treasure hunt in the pristine nature of the Jura Mountains.

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